April 22, 2007

Honey, You Let Her Do What?!

Draw in the Tub

MOM TIME: 0 - You Still Have To Watch Them In The Bath
AGE: 1.5 Years and Up

Before you decide to tie your child's father up by the toes for allowing your three year old to draw all over themselves and the tub, take a breather. Yes, your tub looks like a macabre scene from "Artists Gone Wild" and your child looks dirtier now than before they got into the bath...but relax! It'll all easily wash away! Really, I promise!

This is one of those rare cheap thrills that you can give your child. "Sure Sweety, here are the crayons...color on anything you want!" Don't you wish your Mom or Dad had said that to you when you were little? (Much better than the reaction you got for drawing on the walls, I'm sure!)

Encourage their artistry and creativity, let them color their hands blue and their tummy's red. Make the tub into a underwater mural complete with fish, seaweed, and crabs. After all, they can only do these things for so long. As adults we'd get looked at *strangely* to put it mildly. Just remember to tell them it's only for the bath...Otherwise you might end up with swirly sofas...spotted rugs...

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