April 30, 2007

Ever Feed Baby in the Bumbo?

Bumbo Tray for Bumbo Baby Sitter High Chair Seat Cushions

MOM TIME: 3 Minutes - Easier Clean Up!
AGE: 3 Months - 1 Year

I know, the title sounds wrong doesn't it? (Or maybe it's just me who has a warped sense of humor! You're right, it's me...Anyway...) But really, do you ever feed your baby in the Bumbo chair? I know I've already mentioned this chair before because I love it sooo much. You can therefore imagine my excitement when I recently came across this smart attachment...a feeding tray! I guess a lot of other moms have discovered how much easier it is to feed their kids in this rather than a high chair.

I like the fact that I can just pop it on and off to clean, because as of now my daughter makes quite a mess all over the seat itself when I'm trying to feed her...cracker mush, baby food smears. I'm sure you know just what I mean.

So, here's the Bumbo answer to all that. Yey! It keeps their hands where you can see them, and is good for putting a toy or two on the tray for them to play with instead of constantly going after the food-filled spoon...Nice idea Bumbo People.

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Perfect for Small Rooms

Scandinavian Child Cariboo Classic Changing Table - Mahogany Changing Tables

MOM TIME: 0 - But May Help Your Sanity (A place for everything, and everything in its place!)
AGE: Birth and Up
BONUS: Can Be Used To Store Toys After Babies Are Potty-Trained

Hmmm, was someone not exactly planned? Not enough room in your apartment or house for a "real" nursery? Eh, it's a baby for goodness sakes! They don't need that many things, but having somewhere to change their stinky diapers is probably a good idea, for both the baby and your sanity.

That's why I'm particularly fond of this little table. Unlike most changing tables, which are great because you can organize everything into neat rows and drawers but take up a large section of any room, this compact changer is perfect to squeeze into a corner. Depending on your situation, it may even fit nicely in your bathroom...and if not, then your living room or bedroom as well.

I'm warning you, this model is on the pricey side! It's made of mahogany wood, is imported, and is considered very stylish. However, the idea is there, and you may be able to find something a bit cheaper if you scout around. Still, I love this piece anyway...and since it can be used for other things, it may be worth the investment.

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April 23, 2007

Start 'Em Young

My Quiet Book

MOM TIME: 5 Minutes - ? - How much does your child like to figure things out?
AGE: 2 - 5 Years

This nifty little book could do the trick of entertaining your child if they like puzzles and other brain teaser activities. Do they know how to use a zipper? Can they buckle themselves in the car seat yet? If not then they might really like playing with this challenging book.

I assume that once they're adept at these complex skills they'll be bored out of their minds and go hunting for something else to try...Like figuring out how to turn on the stove, or how to make the dishwasher grow bubbles...Wonderful things you'll be proud of!

But until then you can pop this into their adorable hands and go do something constructive with yours.

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April 22, 2007

Honey, You Let Her Do What?!

Draw in the Tub

MOM TIME: 0 - You Still Have To Watch Them In The Bath
AGE: 1.5 Years and Up

Before you decide to tie your child's father up by the toes for allowing your three year old to draw all over themselves and the tub, take a breather. Yes, your tub looks like a macabre scene from "Artists Gone Wild" and your child looks dirtier now than before they got into the bath...but relax! It'll all easily wash away! Really, I promise!

This is one of those rare cheap thrills that you can give your child. "Sure Sweety, here are the crayons...color on anything you want!" Don't you wish your Mom or Dad had said that to you when you were little? (Much better than the reaction you got for drawing on the walls, I'm sure!)

Encourage their artistry and creativity, let them color their hands blue and their tummy's red. Make the tub into a underwater mural complete with fish, seaweed, and crabs. After all, they can only do these things for so long. As adults we'd get looked at *strangely* to put it mildly. Just remember to tell them it's only for the bath...Otherwise you might end up with swirly sofas...spotted rugs...

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SLAM! Mommy, that was Fun!

Wooden Activity Table

MOM TIME: 10 - 45 Minutes
AGE: 1.5 - 5 Years

This adorable play table should buy you up to an hour of free time whilst your toddler or young child educates themselves about colors and shapes. Triangles, squares, circles, red, green, blue...Go ahead kids, have a blast! And if your cuddly one isn't the most coordinated of the bunch (sure you might not admit it to others, but you know if yours is the one always falling over and knocking things down!), this should help with that too.

The only downside to this wonderful distractor is the material...wood. Imagine yourself trying to write a report for work, your little angel at your side playing quietly at the table, and all of a sudden...SLAM!...SLAM!...SLAM! That's right, the inevitable has occurred. They've discovered it's much more fun to whack the wood pieces against the wood top than it is to slowly and carefully put each piece in its correct slot like they're supposed to do. You sigh, because after all, it was a good effort on your part.

My suggestion: wait until they are old enough to play in another room by themselves before introducing this wonderfully educational toy. (You know, when they won't try to swallow the blocks!) Or, get Daddy to supervise in a very distant part of the house.

Overall though, great toy that your kids should love...especially the SLAM! part...

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April 21, 2007

Bumbo Seat - Thank the Gods for This!

Bumbo Baby Seat - Blue

MOM TIME: 15 - 1.5 Hours
AGE: 3 Months - 1 Year

Hands down one of the best baby inventions ever. I kid you not! This ergonomically designed baby seat has come in so handy since Baby X could hold her head up! Unlike most baby containers, this one has no straps...but they still can't get wiggle themselves out of it no matter how hard they try.

I would pop Baby X in this thing, put one of those U shaped pillows around her with toys on top, and go about my business without worry. Of course I'd stay close by and check on her. But the point is she could sit there and play, long before she could actually sit up on her own, without me having to be the one holding her up.

Often I used it when I was doing required reading (I studied online), writing, or just needed a block of time to get something accomplished. As Baby X got older I used this chair instead of a high-chair to feed her. I guess she liked it more because it was less confining.

Overall, this is one baby item I would not want to live without. It lasts for quite a long time (up to a year...as you know that's a lot in Baby Time), is durable, safe, and babies really like the feeling of sitting up on their own. Plus, the older they get, the longer they seem to contentedly play in the chair. If it made me this happy, I'm sure other mothers would appreciate the periods of freedom it afforded me!

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Ummm, Yeah, Warm Wipes...

Warm Glow Wipe Warmer

MOM TIME: 0 - But May Lead To Less Diaper Change Crying!
AGE: Birth and Up

At first I laughed, then I was pensive, and now I just don't know what to think. Is it really necessary to warm up the baby wipes before they touch your oh-so-precious little one's behind? Shouldn't they learn to deal with a tiny bit of discomfort if they're going to survive this life?! Surely a momentary chill won't kill them, making this product rather, um, ridiculous?

On the other hand (this was the pensive part), I enjoy unnecessary luxury items now and then. Who doesn't like going to a fancy hotel and having a *gasp* towel warmer! It's really the same thing, and I adore the experience of wrapping myself up in a hot towel just after a shower. So why shouldn't Baby X be introduced to those things that make life not only bearable, but actually pleasant?

Also, I hate when it's cold outside and my toilet seat is freezing (especially in the middle of the night)! I understand why some babies start to cry when they are changed...

At last I've decided that while I might not go out and buy one of these straight away myself, I certainly would never refuse it as a gift!

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April 20, 2007

Fun with Letters? Yep!

Edutile Blocks - A, B, C

MOM TIME: Up To 1 Hour + Peace of Mind with Softer Floor
AGE: Birth - 7 Years

Seriously now Mischievous Moms, this is one of the hippest ways to decorate your kid's room. Yes, it's really a "toy," but as a "rug" it makes the floor an entertainment magnet without you having to do anything at all!

Firstly, the colors are not so bright that you're revolted. Second(ly?), it's made of a foam-like material that can make your otherwise dangerous hard tile floors nice and squishy. That's right, I see the wheels in your head turning...A squishy, safer floor means you can relax for a moment and take your eyes off of them for a whole FIVE seconds! Thirdly, it's easy to clean if something spills (if!), and it's easily removed and stored away for when you've invited the snobby in-laws to dinner. Finally, it's obviously educational.

Let's go through the benefits by age.
  • Birth-4 Months, just a cool nursery floor.
  • 4 Months - Crawling, great for rolling over, and over, and over.
  • Crawling - Walking, don't have to worry about them bashing their heads when they fall.
  • Walking - 7 Years, play times, learning the alphabet times, & general merry making.
Overall, not something you really need, sure you could live without it - but for the amount and different types of use you'll get out of it, why not buy one?

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Floor Activity Mats - Need It!

Activitot Tropical Isle

MOM TIME: 10-50 Minutes
AGE: 1-8 Months

Floor activity mats are a bit like crib mobiles, they're supposed to entertain wee-ones with brightly colored things dangling in their faces or just out of their reach. From an adult's perspective, neither of those options sound like much fun.

Do you like having things dangling in your face? Probably not! You'd probably try to swat it away, or tear it to pieces...And that's exactly what your tiny tot will try to do as well! Except, well, they LIKE it. Crazy, I know!

In fact, all that batting and swatting is great for their development (hand-eye coordination, muscle tone, brain activity, etc.). Trust me, when they're beating all their friends at PlayStation 7 in a few years, they'll thank you for giving them this jump on the competition.

So, depending on just how involved your infant gets with one of these, they could entertain themselves for quite a while! And you don't have to feel guilty while going about your other business, because it's good for them.

Drawbacks: Some babies don't seem all that interested in their environment until around 3 months, and this can only be used until they start to crawl (7-10 months about), so your baby may only use this for a few months.

Is it worth it for that little amount of time? It depends on how much you think your time is worth...After all, an hour of happy time for them is an hour of productive time for you! Do the math!

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April 19, 2007

Portable Bassinet - Super Cool Mom

AGE: Birth-6 Months

Just imagine how super cool you'd feel with one of these portable and convertible bassinets. Now I know what you're thinking, why on Earth would any reasonable person buy this? First of all, it's really only good until your little creepy crawler starts to, er, crawl...or even roll over for that matter.

But although it seems slightly impractical, it's still really nifty and has that certain Mommy-On-The-Go appeal that we all love. Plus, look how happy the baby seems...no crying or fussing, pure contentment!

Back to Reality - There are a couple reasons why this travel bed would be a great buy. Think GIFT. If you know a woman who Seems To Have Everything and is ready to pop out a Seems To Have Everything Baby, then this would surely do the trick at her baby shower.

Or, if you're a new Mom who really does have to travel a lot, even from one house or hotel to another, this bassinet may be well worth the price...Lucky you! While the rest of us want it for its Super Cool Appeal, you actually need it, making you...a Super Cool Mom!

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Baby Bjorn Front Carrier - An Essential

Baby Bjorn Original Carrier - City Black

MOM TIME: 20 Minutes - 3 Hours
AGE: Birth - 9 Months
NECESSITY SCALE: Impossible to Live Without!

Infant carriers are one of those things that have always existed for a reason! Whether it's a simple cloth wrapping or an ultra-cool carrier like the Bjorn, mothering can not be successfully accomplished without one.

From the time Baby X was born, I used this carrier non-stop. When she was extremely tiny, I put her to face inward toward my chest and was able to go about my day with relative ease (I said relative ease...I was still a walking zombie from sleep deprivation, but at least this way I had both hands free to catch myself before I fell over)! She, on the other hand, was able to sleep in the carrier whenever she wanted, regardless of what I was up to.

As she grew older and wanted to see more than just her food supply, I turned her to face out, which proved to be a wonderful source of entertainment while I did things such as buy groceries. Carrying her like this was stimulating for her, and very freeing for me.

Eventually though this type of carrying became increasingly painful on my back, so it was time to graduate to a back carrier instead.

But for those first 9 months, this gizmo was worth its weight in platinum!

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Walker Activity Centers - An Essential

Baby Sit & Step 2-in-1 Activity Center

MOM TIME: 10-20 Minutes
AGE: 6 Months & Up

As every parent knows, if something happily occupies your baby for more than ten minutes at a time, it's a keeper. End of discussion.

I've found that activity centers such as these are one of the best ways to safely entrap my little one, giving me those extra minutes to do the really fun things in life...like the dishes, or paying bills!

Starting at roughly six months, I was able to pop Baby X in her activity center and spread out in front of her a plethora of chewy, shakable, and soft toys knowing that she would joyfully frolic about until all of them were strewn every-which-way on the floor around her...At which point she would start to scream - approximately fifteen minutes.

Just enough time to have a quiet and leisurely (ha!) breakfast or dinner with Husband X.

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Love, Learn, Grow!